
Risks Of Second Trimester Abortion

An abortion can occur spontaneously due to miscarriage or can be intentionally induced. Abortion after first trimester is always risky.

Pregnant women who seek an abortion during second trimester are at higher risk than women seeking abortion in first trimester, even when the procedure adopted is safe and is done by a trained physician. Abortion can be done by taking medicine to terminate the pregnancy or it can be done by surgical method such as vacuum aspiration, dilation and curettage (D and C), or dilation or evacuation (D and E). Medical abortion is effective within the first 9 weeks of pregnancy. As pregnancy progresses into the late first trimester or second trimester surgical abortion is only the option. The risk of abortion in second trimester is relatively higher than in the first trimester. Problem with surgical abortion in the second trimester (weeks 13 to 27) include heavy blood loss, infection, and menstrual cramps. Pain associated with surgical abortion ranges from mild to severe and depends on each woman physical and psychological conditions.

Dilation and evacuation method is typically adopted if abortion is done in second trimester of pregnancy. D and E is done to completely remove all of the tissues in the uterus of pregnant women. It usually includes combination of vacuum aspiration and dilation and curettage with the help of surgical instruments. The risk factor associated with vacuum aspiration and D and E in second trimester of pregnancy includes incomplete abortion -- the embryo or fetus is not completely removed from the uterus; very heavy bleeding which can be fatal if untreated; and in extremely rare cases death from serious complications.

Abortion after three months of pregnancy can be done by an operation or with medicines.

We did computer searches to find studies that compared any operation to any medicine used for abortion at this stage of pregnancy. We wrote to researchers and looked through book chapters and other articles to find more studies.

We found two studies. The first compared dilation and evacuation (D&E) to injecting a drug into the pregnant womb. The second compared D&E to drugs taken by mouth and by vagina.

The D&E operation was better than injecting medicines into the womb. Medicines taken by mouth and vagina worked as well and were as acceptable as a D&E, but caused more pain and side effects. More studies with modern medicines used for abortion after 3 months of pregnancy are needed.

The Effects of Abortion on Women

It has been a long debated battle between pro-choice and pro-life supporters whether
undergoing an abortion has a negative effect on women or not. There are countless articles, websites, and even movies devoted solely to this particular issue. Still it is not fully understood: Does abortion in fact have any negative effects on women, and if so, what are those effects? Many studies have been conducted in a variety of ways, all of which address different effects of abortion on women. The fact that there have been so many studies done is evidence that at least some women experience negative effects after undergoing an abortion.
A woman went through an abortion and initially felt no guilt or feelings of remorse. Three years later she became pregnant again and decided to keep the unborn baby. After the nine months had passed and she gave birth, she began to experience intense feelings of guilt. She experienced an emotional breakdown because once she realized what a miracle her current baby was, she realized what she lost when she went through with the prior abortion. She decided to sue the abortion clinic for not only failing to warn her of the possible emotional consequences of an abortion, but also that there was an increased risk of developing breast cancer. By not warning women of the possibility of negative outcomes, abortion clinics are not only denying women information that should be essential in the decision making process, but also increasing the risk that they will be sued at a later date.
If only a small percentage of women who undergo abortion actually experience emotional distress afterward, it is not correct to say that abortion does not have a negative effect on women. Many supporters of prochoice do not understand the possible harmful outcomes of abortion on women. The negative effects do not just pertain to psychological health, but physical as well. Abortion has negative effects on women and it is essential to educate women on these effects prior to an abortion.
Research has found that having an abortion before carrying a pregnancy to full term increases the risks for negative outcomes of the next pregnancy carried to full term. Henshaw points out that “… induced abortion does not protect against the risk of delivery as much as a prior birth does…having an abortion increases the risk of an adverse outcome associated with [a woman’s] first birth” (1-2). This clearly indicates that having an abortion, possibly to avoid having an unwanted child, increases the risk that something will go wrong once a woman actually does want, and chooses to deliver a child.
Prolife supporters research this topic avidly and on a regular basis. Using the studies that have been conducted as a foundation for their argument, they often attempt to get laws passed to ensure that women who plan on procuring an abortion are counseled on the possible adverse side effects. “[S]tate laws should require physicians to warn patients that an induced abortion would increase the risk of prematurity in future births” (Henshaw 2). This argument is an apparent indicator that women should in fact be informed of the possible side effects of the abortion.
Giving birth to a premature child is not only potentially life threatening to the child, and devastating to the parents, but it also costs the United States greatly in medical expenses. Rooney points out that “If the U.S. could slash its current high preterm birth rate (PTB), medical costs could be reduced” (1). According to Dr. Richard E. Behrman of the Institute of Medicine, “induced abortion [is] an ‘immutable medical risk factor associated with preterm birth’” (Rooney 1). When a medical professional states that abortion leads to an undeniable risk factor, it should be mandatory to inform women of these risks.
It has been more recently discovered that abortion can not only increase the risk of giving birth to a premature child during the next full term pregnancy, but also that it increases a women’s risk of developing breast cancer.
Abortion is an accepted risk factor for premature birth, particularly among teenagers. (24-26) Premature birth before 32 weeks gestation increases breast cancer risk. (27-30) The hormonal changes to the breasts are identical in the case of premature birth and abortion.
(Rooney 3)
Many women are not warned of the possibility of developing breast cancer post-abortion. It needs to become imperative to warn women of all the possible risks before undergoing such a procedure. Perhaps discovering that an abortion puts the woman’s health at risk will dissuade her from having the abortion and allow her to consider her other options.
Abortions are an expensive procedure, and it is safe to assume that women who have access to money are more likely to undergo an abortion than those women who are not financially able. As Patrick Carroll points out “…more upper-class women develop breast cancers than do lower-class women” and he suggested “…abortions as the reason for this disparity” (Rooney 3). This evidence shows the link between the availability of money to obtain an abortion, and the risks included with the abortion. Women who are more financially capable of obtaining an abortion are also more likely to develop breast cancer because of the abortion.
Physical effects such as giving birth to a premature child and the risk of developing breast cancer are not the only risks women take when they undergo an abortion, in fact, the risks stretch far beyond. Substance abuse is not a new topic; it has been around as long as drugs and alcohol have been available. It has been a more recent discovery, however, that women who experience an abortion are more susceptible to substance abuse than women who carry a pregnancy to term. Reardon’s study on women who had undergone an abortion reported that “[t]he majority of these women specifically attributed their drug or alcohol abuse to stress related to the abortion” (1). This clearly illustrates that abortion not only causes stress in women, but that the stress leads many of them to turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to relieve it.
Adler points out that those women who undergo a procedure to induce an abortion during the second trimester of pregnancy are much more likely to experience emotional distress than the women who undergo the procedure during the first trimester of pregnancy. “Women undergoing second-trimester abortions also report more emotional distress after abortion than do those terminating first-trimester pregnancies” (3). This is evidence that women become more emotionally involved as the pregnancy progresses, and that perhaps if they continued to carry the child to full term they may be pleased with the decision to not have an abortion.
It has been found that the majority of women who do in fact experience emotional distress following an abortion, were either unclear as to whether or not they wanted to have a child at that point in their life or not. Others experienced distress due to their religious beliefs.
Ambivalence about the wantedness of the pregnancy may engender a sense of loss. Conflict about the meaning of abortion and its relation to deeply held values or beliefs, perceived social stigma, or lack of support may also induce negative reactions.
(Adler 2-3).
Women who experienced little or no emotional stress “stated clearly before the abortion that they did not want to give birth since they prioritized work, studies and/or existing children” (Kero 1). This research is a clear indicator that women who become pregnant and have no desire to have children will most likely not suffer any emotional consequences, and that women who are unsure about the abortion are more susceptible to the experience of negative emotions post abortion. It does not however prove that the women with no emotional distress will not experience any other physical issues or complications with their next pregnancy.
With all the evidence that has been gathered through the studies that have been done, researchers have all agreed upon one thing: “[S]ome women experience negative psychological reactions postabortion” (Reardon 1). This has become an undeniable fact, rather than just an opinionated debate. While not all women will experience negative emotional feelings after having an abortion, some women will. Woman who undergo an abortion during their second trimester are more likely to experience negative emotions. This proves that as the pregnancy progresses, women tend to become more emotionally involved, and if they carried the pregnancy to term, could possibly be pleased with the decision.
It has also become an undeniable fact that an induced abortion leads to a greater risk of delivering the next wanted child prematurely. Not only are women who undergo abortions susceptible to emotional distress and giving birth to a premature child, but they are also at a greater risk for developing breast cancer. It has been shown that women who are more financially able to procure an abortion are also more likely to develop breast cancer than women who cannot afford an abortion, which shows a clear link between undergoing an abortion and developing breast cancer. Because women are not properly educated on the possible adverse outcomes of abortion, they often just see it as an easy way out of an unwanted situation and do not consider their other options. It needs to become imperative to educate women on the negative outcomes of abortion, not only to save the women from emotional distress and physical health issues, but to also give the unborn children a fair chance at life.

Psychological After-Effects of Abortion

Over the last decade, a general consensus has been reached in the medical and scientific communities that most women who have abortions experience little or no psychological harm. However, women's ability to cope psychologically after an abortion continues to be the subject of heated debates. Vocal anti-choice advocates claim that most women who have abortions will suffer to some degree from a variant of post-traumatic stress disorder called "post-abortion syndrome," characterized by severe and long-lasting guilt, depression, rage, and social and sexual dysfunction. Why is there such a major discrepancy between the scientific consensus and anti-choice beliefs?

Conflicting studies done over the last 30 years have contributed to this atmosphere of confusion and misinformation. A 1989 review article that evaluated the methodology of 76 studies on the psychological after-effects of abortion noted that both opponents and advocates of abortion could easily prove their case by picking and choosing from a wide range of contradictory evidence. For example, many studies, especially those done between 1950 and 1975, purport to have found significant negative psychological responses to abortion. Such studies, though, often suffer from serious methodological flaws. Some were done when abortion was still illegal or highly restricted, thereby biasing the conclusions in favour of considerable (and understandable) psychological distress. In some cases, research was based on women who were forced to prove a psychiatric disorder in order to obtain the abortion. Further, a large number of studies, both early and recent, consist simply of anecdotal reports of a few women who sought psychiatric help after their abortion. In short, many studies that favour anti-choice beliefs are flawed because of very small samples, unrepresentative samples, poor data analysis, lack of control groups, and unreliable or invalid research questions.

Researcher bias on the part of scientists and physicians has also been a serious problem. Indeed, in earlier times, society's views on how women "should" feel after an abortion were heavily skewed toward the traditional model of women as nurturing mothers. In one study done in 1973, post-doctoral psychology students taking psychoanalytic training predicted psychological effects far more severe than those predicted by women themselves before undergoing an abortion. This might be because traditional Freudian theory teaches that a desire to avoid childbearing represents a woman's denial of her basic feminine nature.

Some psychiatric studies, along with much of today's anti-choice literature, tend to cast women who have abortions into one of two roles: victim or deviant (although these terms are not necessarily used). Victims are coerced into abortion by others around them, in spite of their confusion and ambivalence, and against their basic maternal instincts. Deviants have little difficulty with the abortion decision, which is made casually for convenience' sake. Such women have no maternal instinct and are often characterized in a derogatory or pitying fashion as selfish, callous, unfeminine, emotionally stunted, and/or neurotic.

Books written by anti-choice advocates that deal with post-abortion effects are, by and large, heavily infected with bias. Not only is contrary evidence not refuted, it is rarely even mentioned. Incorrect and out-of-date "facts" abound. The authors' pop psychology often seems to be based on little more than their own wishful projections about the nature of women and how they should feel. Here are two typical examples from essays in the 1979 anti-choice book The Psychological Aspects of Abortion:

"It is interesting that women who need self-punishment do not abort themselves more often. . . . Abortion is done 'to' the woman, with her as only a passive participant. This is further indication of masochism." Howard W. Fisher, MD, Abortion: Pain or Pleasure? (pp. 49)

". . . sooner or later [after the abortion], the truth will make itself known and felt, and the bitter realization that she was not even unselfish enough to share her life with another human being will take its toll. If she had ever entertained a doubt as to whether her parents and others really considered her unlovable and worthless, she will now be certain that she was indeed never any good in their eyes or her own. A deep depression will be inevitable and her preoccupation with thoughts of suicide that much greater." Conrad W. Baars, MD, Psychic Causes and Consequences of the Abortion Mentality. (pp. 122)

With the advent of safe, legal, routinely performed abortion, a wealth of good evidence has come to light that is quite contrary to common anti-choice assertions. The typical abortion patient is a normal, mentally stable woman who makes a strongly resolved decision for abortion within a few days after discovery of the pregnancy, and comes through the procedure virtually unscathed. Several scientific review articles support this conclusion (published from 1990 to 1992 in highly respected journals such as Science and American Journal of Psychiatry). The reviews evaluated hundreds of studies done over the last 30 years, noting the unusually high number of seriously flawed studies, and pointing out common methodological problems. Based on the more reliable studies, all the reviews concluded that although psychological disturbances do occur after abortion, they are uncommon and generally mild and short-lived. In many cases, these disturbances are simply a continuation of negative feelings caused by the unwanted pregnancy itself. Serious and/or persistent problems are rare and are frequently related to the circumstances surrounding the abortion rather than the abortion itself.

Further, many women who were denied abortion showed ongoing, long-term resentment, and their resulting unwanted children were more likely to have increased emotional, psychological, and social problems in comparison with control groups of wanted children. These differences continued to widen throughout adolescence and early adulthood. Finally, many good studies show that giving birth is much more likely than abortion to be associated with severe emotional after-effects, such as post-partum depression.

The review articles largely concluded that the most frequently reported emotions felt by women immediately following an abortion are relief and/or happiness, experienced by about 75% of women (one article evaluated only negative effects). Feelings of regret, anxiety, guilt, depression, and other negative emotions are reported by about 5 to 30% of women. These feelings are usually mild and fade rapidly, within a few weeks. Months or years after an abortion, the majority of women do not regret their decision. In fact, for many women, abortion appears to be a positive experience that improves their self-esteem, provides inner strength, and motivates them to refocus their lives in a meaningful way.

Studies on abortion are done primarily through self-report measures, however, and it is possible that some women may be reluctant to admit negative feelings after their abortion. To help quantify this, let's consider the figures: Every year, between 1.3 and 1.6 million abortions are performed in the United States (since 1977). About 21% of all American women between the ages of 15 and 44 have had an abortion. This is a very large number indeed. The American Psychological Association has pointed out that even if only 10% of the millions of women who have had abortions experienced problems, there would be a significant mental health epidemic, clearly evident by large numbers of dysfunctional women requesting help. There is no evidence whatsoever for any such epidemic, thereby supporting the general reliability of self-report measures.

Some women who are disturbed by or unhappy with their abortion decision belong to support groups like Women Exploited by Abortion, and Victims of Choice. Several anti-choice studies and books purporting to demonstrate the overall harmfulness of abortion limit their sample to the membership of such groups. Not only does this introduce an immediate and fatal flaw to their argument, it shows deliberate obfuscation on the part of the authors. This does not mean that post-abortion support groups don't provide a valuable service for certain women. The very existence of such groups points to the strong need for health professionals to identify and provide extra help to women who are most at risk for developing psychological problems related to abortion. Many studies have shown that women at greater risk tend to include:

* emotionally immature teenagers
* women with previous psychiatric problems
* women aborting a wanted pregnancy for medical or genetic reasons
* women who encounter opposition from their partner or parents for their abortion decision
* women who have strong philosophical or religious objections to abortion
* women who are highly ambivalent or confused about their abortion decision, and/or had great difficulty making the decision
* women who are coerced by others into having an abortion
* women undergoing late, second-trimester abortions

In spite of psychological problems suffered by a few women after abortion, the existence of "post-abortion syndrome" is doubted by most experts. Indeed, there is little need to posit a unique disorder in this case, since abortion is not significantly different from any other stressful life experience that might cause trauma in certain people. Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, himself anti-choice, pointed this out in 1988. Unfortunately, facts, evidence, and common sense rarely get in the way of anti-choice advocates who are determined to prove that women suffer terribly from "post-abortion syndrome." Certainly, if this were true, it would be a lethal weapon in the fight to reverse Roe vs. Wade. In fact, this was the motivation behind a 1989 Surgeon General's report on the health effects of abortion on women, called for by former President Ronald Reagan on behalf of anti-choice leaders. Although the report was duly prepared, the Surgeon General chose not to release it, apparently because it did not support the anti-choice position. Meanwhile, anti-choice literature continues to churn out the Machiavellian myth that women are severely harmed by abortion.

Because abortion is such a volatile issue, it is probably unrealistic to expect this aspect of the controversy to die down soon, if at all. However, by recognizing that a small subset of women may require increased counselling and support during their abortion decision and afterwards, the women's community and health professionals can do much to minimize the damage wrought by the anti-choice movement's dangerous and irresponsible campaign of misinformation.